Label Traxx for Accounts Payable Users
All about day-to-day Accounts Payable in Label Traxx!
Adding a Supplier
Apply a Tax Region to a Supplier
Apply Terms to Suppliers
Assign Default GL's to a Supplier
Assigning Supplier Type
Establishing Default Art and Plate Suppliers
Enter an AP Bill with Manual Distributions
Entering an AP Bill for a Received Purchase Order
Entering an AP Bill (No Purchase Order)
Entering an AP Prepayment
Apply an AP Prepayment to a Bill
Entering an AP Credit Memo
Applying an AP Credit
How to Set Up Discounts on Terms
Applying a Discount on an AP Invoice
Paying a Bill by Check
Pay Bill Via Electronic Payment
Void and Reissue an Electronic Payment
Void and Reissue an AP check
Entering a Handwritten Check
Entering a Credit Card Payment
Entering Open AP Invoices Manually Post Implementation
AP Adjustment to GL
Accounts Payable Reports
1099 Configuration and Running a 1099 Report
Accounts Payable Tips and FAQs
Accounts Payable User Quiz
Setting Starting Invoice Number
Create an Invoice
Adding Manual Charges on an Invoice
Applying a Deposit to an Invoice
Add or Edit Tax on an Invoice
Adding Freight on an Invoice
Creating a Master Invoice
Look up Tickets Ready to Invoice
Sales by Territory Report
Running Sales Reports such as a Sales Journal
Reprinting an Invoice
Emailing an Invoice
Reversing and Reissuing Invoices
Job Billing Tips and FAQs
Job Billing Quiz